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The Innovation Initiative Invests in Local Jewish Changemakers

By Federation Innovation

The Jewish Innovation Initiative funds cutting-edge ideas that come from and benefit Jewish Atlanta. Programs can be new, or hosted by existing organizations like synagogues, day schools, and more. Innovation Initiative investments, like JScreen’s grants for genetic cancer screening, change lives:

“I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Although I’m suffering a great deal…I want you to know that I feel blessed. Years ago, when my sister tested positive for breast cancer at 32, I wasn’t ready to do genetic testing. Now at 36, after having my two children, I took the big step to do the testing through JScreen. This information allowed me to be accepted into a specialized program at a top cancer hospital. The head of the program suggested we do an MRI, and it showed a mass. I got results shortly after…malignant. It is Stage 0 at this point. I’m extremely lucky. My sister was not as lucky. I have a double mastectomy scheduled. I’m terrified but I’m going to be ok. I’m a fighter! From now on, I will tell my story of how your program saved my life. If I had no knowledge of this mutation, I would be going for my mammogram again next year and we all know what that would look like. So, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for all you do every single day.” – A grateful patient

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