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Winter Gather Grants Highlights

By May 2, 2024May 9th, 2024Gather Grants

Check out these highlights from the previous Gather Grants cycle!
Summer Gather Grants open on June 1st.

MLK Day of Service

Nurture Atlanta recently hosted a special MLK Family Day of Service at The Davis Academy, joined by various organizations including Repair the World, PJ Library, The Epstein School, several local Jewish preschools and more, showcasing the vibrant Jewish community in Atlanta. Over 110 families, totaling 300 individuals, participated in acts of kindness, emphasizing the significance of mitzvahs to preschoolers. From assembling snack bags to creating toy packs, the children experienced the joy of a Mitzvah through fun, interactive activities. This event not only addressed a need for hands-on service opportunities for young children but also fostered a sense of unity and giving back within the community. Tamar Levy, founder of That Peach Mommy and a PJ Library parent connector, expressed her gratitude for the collaborative effort, envisioning a future where such meaningful days continue to inspire families. Organizers, thrilled by the success, credited the support of partners like the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta for the event’s expansion and success. 

“I was so grateful to be able to spend our morning with the Atlanta Jewish community. As a mom, former educator, and someone who plays an active role in our Jewish community, I was proud to see everyone come together for this meaningful day. At one point, I stood in the Davis Academy gym and looked around. There were young families everywhere. Smiling, happy to help and working together to give back to those in need. I look forward to participating in this day in the future with my two girls.”

Senior Israel Rallies

The events were two Rallies for Israel and the IDF Soldiers at Berman Commons in Dunwoody and the William Breman Jewish Home. The events were designed to engage the residents of the two Jewish senior living communities with a sense of empowerment by providing several activities that would impact the daily lives of our IDF soldiers. The rallies kicked off with a two speakers, our Jewish Federation speaker, Lior Fridman, spoke and gave us a glimpse of how daily life has changed for everyone living in Israel and Rabbi Mark Kunis spoke inspirationally on how to be strong in supporting Israel in these troubling times. We set up a photo booth where the seniors could take a photo messages to send to the soldiers as well as a thank you card station to send to the soldiers. We had a care package station where everyone packed a ‘hygiene kit’ and a virtual reality (VR) station where seniors could take a virtual tour of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Finally we had a refreshment station serving cake and cookies.

“The Israel rallies sparked pride and love of Israel, and the interactive nature gave the residents tangible ways to get involved, support Israel and positively impact the lives of the IDF soldiers.” – Mirie Manzour, Volunteer Services Manager at Jewish Home Life

Gathering is Great

Federation’s Gather Grants continue to spread love and community throughout Greater Atlanta. A host reported this sweet reflection from the program she hosted.

“We hosted a Love Shabbat and it was so sweet! My mom made a pink challah and everyone received a handwritten love note and after we welcomed shabbat we had a little affirmation circle and the house was filled with love and Jewish joy! The kids played games and the adults laughed and relaxed. One family couldn’t make it due to sickness, but we FaceTimed them and sent them our healing energy and love. One friend shared that she loved witnessing and partaking in Jewish rituals and traditions, and it made her feel so good and included. She also shared that she is encouraged to make Shabbat at her own home and realized that there’s no real rules for making shabbat and welcoming some rest and reflection. I loved opening our home to friends, old and new and sharing experiences with our interfaith friends too!” – Molly Levine Hunt – Gather Grant Host

A participant shared “I loved getting together with neighbors and seeing young people of all ages enjoying themselves and taking part in celebrating Jewish holidays.” – GG participant

Hosting Shabbat

“It was delightful; thank you for making it possible! We hosted three different families that we have never had for Shabbat. They attend multiple synagogues, and all had children in different age brackets. I created a tour of Asia for them (since only Chinese is available kosher in the Atlanta area). I featured food from Japan, Korea, China, and Thailand. It was delightful to see new friendships made among people who were technically nearly neighbors but complete strangers. There also was a fantastic speaker at our shul that day, Dr Frier, speaking on ‘What your children want you to know.’ I invited everyone to come beforehand, and we discussed it over lunch.” – Rachel Linkwald, Gather Grant Host

Seed Shabbat

“I hosted what I called Seed Time Shabbat! 16 families joined the event. The families came throughout the day on Shabbat. I had all the supplies including seeds, soil and containers for people to plant for their summer garden. I connected planting to Jewish learning and engaged families in the process. I made homemade bagels and served food that came from my garden. Including eggs from my chickens and honey on challah from my bees. Many families enjoyed being able to hang out throughout the day and also connect to the land.” -Amy, a Gather Grant Recipient

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