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August 2022 Legislative Update

By August 9, 2022February 11th, 2025Atlanta Jewish Community

Leslie Anderson, Executive Director, JCRC

America was founded on basic principles of democracy that encourage – require, really – active civic engagement to complete the social contract between government and citizens. The non-partisan Jewish Democracy Network was created to mobilize Jewish institutions and individuals across states, denominations, backgrounds, and political ideologies –  through the people and organizations they trust – to ensure free, fair, safe, and accessible elections.  It will take many people with different expertise and experiences working creatively, and compassionately together to be successful in supporting election administration. In that spirit, JCRC of Atlanta has joined the Jewish Democracy Network ( to recruit non-partisan poll workers in Metro Atlanta. We will kick off our campaign on Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2022, National Poll Worker Recruitment Day.

More information and sign-up details will be on the JCRC website at or email

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