AgeWell Atlanta is not a new service agency – it’s an innovative and collaborative partnership of organizations that already exist in Jewish Atlanta. AgeWell Atlanta is here to help older adults and caregivers navigate the aging process, widen their world, and live vitally.

Supportive Services for You or Your Loved One
Combining the collective resources of Federation, Jewish HomeLife, Jewish Family & Career Service, and the Marcus Jewish Community Center, AgeWell Atlanta can help you find the coordinated support services and resources you or your loved one need right now.
When you call 1-866-AGEWELL your query is handled by a real live person trained in information and referral. Call and discover how much Atlanta has to offer older adults and their family caregivers.
AgeWell Atlanta can help older adults find:
- Wellness Programs
- AgeWell Neighborhoods (formerly NORC)
- Housing
- Homecare
- Transportation
- Social Connections
- Strategies to Age in Place
- Virtual Senior Center for home-bound older adults
- Geriatric care management
- Hospice
- Companionship through One Good Deed
- Home-sharing program
- Range of residential care options
- Counseling