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Spreading Jewish Joy at the PJ Library National Conference

More than 3,600 families in Greater Atlanta share the love of Jewish life, learning and culture with their children thanks to the PJ Library program. Books, programs, activities, and gatherings make it possible for children ages 0-12 to learn and get excited about being Jewish thanks to the program. Each year, professionals that work on the PJ program gather from around the world for networking, education, and inspiration.

The theme of this year’s conference was “joy”. Participants experienced two days of ideas, activities, and inspiration for how to bring “joy” to life for Jewish families,  including presentations by three members of our team. Our community’s PJ professional, parent connectors, marketers, and other staff, returned home with fresh ideas, best practices, and excitement for all the ways they now can spread joy through Jewish values within the Atlanta community.

“As a parent and Jewish communal professional, finding Jewish joy and celebrating the gift that is PJ Library with my colleagues and new friends was incredible for my well-being in this moment. Sometimes we forget how important it is to find joy in times of crisis.” – Ali White, Federation professional
If you have a child ages 0-12 and would like to learn more or sign up for this FREE program, CLICK HERE. You can also make a gift to PJ Library HERE.

Fed5: Marking Our Past While Programming for the Future

The Breman, a core partner agency of the Federation, leads the way in Holocaust and antisemitism education by offering student groups and visitors storytelling through contemporary art that combats prejudice, hatred, and indifference. A new addition to their gallery Absence of Humanity: The Holocaust Years, includes an intimate immersive digital theater that will showcase the works of video and multimedia artists starting with a conceptual film work by Atlanta-based artist Jason Francisco called “18:18:18.” Each film, made at a site of Holocaust memory, is a single take lasting exactly 18 minutes, 18 seconds and 18 frames. The films question what it means to bear witness to memory, suggesting that remembering is not only the overcoming of tensions but also the courage to dwell within them.

Yom HaShoah, known as Holocaust Remembrance Day will take place on Sunday, May 5, commemorating the atrocities that were committed against the Jewish people during World War II and those who died in the Shoah (Holocaust).

Join the community-wide celebration at 11 am on May 5th. Details shared in the calendar listings below.

Post October 7, many of us have looked for ways to more closely connect with and support Israel. Among those searching for meaningful ways to feel a connection were our local Atlanta Schoenbaum Shinshinim and our RootOne Shliach (emissary), Lior Fridman. As an act of honor, they brought to Atlanta, A Recipe With a Memory, a unique initiative that was launched a few years before to commemorate fallen Israeli Defense Force soldiers and victims of terror by cooking their favorite recipes and telling their life stories.

The centerpiece of this project is two cooking sessions where participants will gather on zoom to cook these recipes while learning about the person and family behind the dish – through pictures, stories, videos, and anecdotes shared by their families to keep their memories alive. In addition to the classes, Lior and the shinshinim have also put together a downloadable cookbook as a way for you to continue to honor them throughout the year. The program’s organizers hope that these cooking sessions and cookbook become a way to celebrate the beautiful lives of those we have lost and not the story of their death. 

CLICK HERE to download the cookbook.

More than 3,600 families in Greater Atlanta share the love of Jewish life, learning and culture with their children thanks to the PJ Library program. Books, programs, activities, and gatherings make it possible for children ages 0-12 to learn and get excited about being Jewish thanks to the program. Each year, professionals that work on the PJ program gather from around the world for networking, education, and inspiration.

The theme of this year’s conference was “joy”. Participants experienced two days of ideas, activities, and inspiration for how to bring “joy” to life for Jewish families,  including presentations by three members of our team. Our community’s PJ professional, parent connectors, marketers, and other staff, returned home with fresh ideas, best practices, and excitement for all the ways they now can spread joy through Jewish values within the Atlanta community.

“As a parent and Jewish communal professional, finding Jewish joy and celebrating the gift that is PJ Library with my colleagues and new friends was incredible for my well-being in this moment. Sometimes we forget how important it is to find joy in times of crisis.” – Ali White, Federation professional

If you have a child ages 0-12 and would like to learn more or sign up for this FREE program, CLICK HERE. You can also make a gift to PJ Library HERE.

Federation’s new Interfaith Connector Initiative awarded its first round of grants in mid-April to support the programming of several organizations that are serving Atlanta’s multi-faith community.

“I am so excited that The Interfaith Connector has taken this first significant step towards fulfilling the needs of our interfaith community. Our research has shown that families of multiple faiths want programming and opportunities more frequently, with greater geographic reach and for people of all ages and stages. I think these programs do just that and provide a great roadmap towards bigger and better offerings to come.” -Doug Konkel, Federation’s Director of Interfaith Engagement

The Awardees include:

  • Honeymoon Israel – Purim in the Park
    A gathering of mostly interfaith in-town families to celebrate Purim together in an outdoor setting.
  • 18Doors – Couples and Conversation
    A cohort of interfaith couples is taken through a multiple session journey of the challenges and joys of their relationships.
  • Congregation Gesher L’Torah – Lag BaOmer Family Tree Painting Party
    Participants paint family trees and explore, celebrate and appreciate both the Jewish and non-Jewish portions of their families.
  • Ma’a lot – Immersive Shabbat Campout
    A weekend-long campout outside of Atlanta that will provide their diverse community, including an interfaith cohort, the opportunity to learn more deeply about Shabbat in an accepting and natural environment.
  • Jewish Grandparent Network – Opening the Heart: Being Grandparents – Different Traditions, One Family
    This pilot program will explore and discuss what it means to be a grandparent both for Jewish and non-Jewish participants
  • PJ Library – The Purim Grandparent Program, the Brookhaven Passover Party and the Passover Box Program
    PJ Library inclusive programming provides a low-barrier entry for those possessing any level of Jewish knowledge

CLICK HERE – For more information on programming for interfaith families.

Traveling is an action, that when taken with like-minded people on a journey that has such deep meaning to each of you, the experience can be something transformative. For the more than 40 women who traveled with Federation on the Women’s Philanthropy Journey to Mexico, that’s exactly what this trip was. A five-day exploration of the Jewish community in Mexico City, founded in the 1900s by Jews immigrating from Syria followed by a second migration of Eastern European Jews in the 1920s. Today they remain a tight-knit community of 46,000 Jews living in a city of more than 22 million people committed to making Jewish life vibrant and flourishing for all their citizens.

This trip was filled with so many highlights for the participants including the special time they spent with two lone soldiers from Mexico City who have been on the front lines in Gaza since Oct 7. These young men shared important perspective with the women including their commitment to the care, feeding and safety they are trying to bring to the citizens of Gaza. “What you see on CNN is just not true” they shared.

The picture below shows the women enjoying the beauty of the first and oldest synagogue in Mexico City founded in 1923. But one of the most long-lasting memories of the trip will be the deep conversations these women shared about the state of our world, what keeps them up at night, and how our communities must stay strong in order for Judaism to continue to prosper.

“Our journey was not merely a series of sightseeing excursions, but rather an exploration of meaning and impact. Every experience left an indelible mark on my heart, reminding me of the power we possess to make a difference in the lives of others.”

CLICK HERE to read the full reflection shared by participant Mitzi Solomon.

Reflections from the Women’s Journey to Mexico

As I sit back and reflect on the recent trip we embarked on, I find myself overwhelmed with a multitude of emotions and memories that weave together to create a tapestry of profound experiences. Our journey was not merely a physical exploration of new places, but rather a spiritual and emotional voyage that truly touched the depths of my soul.

One of the most enriching aspects of our trip was the opportunity to make new friends along the way.  These newfound friendships added layers of richness to my journey, reminding me of the beauty of human connection and the boundless capacity for friendships.

Equally significant was the chance to reconnect with old friends, to reminisce about shared memories and create new ones together. There’s something profoundly comforting about reconnecting with familiar faces in unfamiliar places, a sense of continuity and belonging that transcends time and distance.

Throughout our travels, I couldn’t shake the feeling that my grandmother, Shirley Blaine, was with me, guiding me with her wisdom and love.  Though she may no longer be physically present, her spirit remains ever-present. My grandmother always said to me as long as we have breath within us we should help, love and heal. And that being a Jewish woman and Jewish leader in your community is an honor and a responsibility.

Our journey was not merely a series of sightseeing excursions, but rather an exploration of meaning and impact. Every experience left an indelible mark on my heart, reminding me of the power we possess to make a difference in the lives of others.

As a Jewish woman, living by Jewish values has always been paramount to me, and this trip served as a poignant reminder of the importance of carrying forward these traditions from generation to generation, embodying the concept of “La dor va dor”- from generation to generation.  Whether it was through acts of kindness, expressions of gratitude, or moments of reflection and prayer, our journey was infused with the essence of our shared heritage, reminding me of the richness of my faith and culture.

I understand that as Jewish women it is important to celebrate how much we have achieved while still looking towards the next steps. We can always do more and will do more.  And this mission is just the beginning.

In the end, as I look back on our journey, I am filled with overwhelming gratitude- gratitude for the experiences we shared, the friendships we forged, and the memories we created together.

Every part of this trip was filled with incredible moments but now looking back my “aha moment” was before the trip began. It was when I said YES!  And now I understand the power of saying yes and how by saying yes it can lead you to extraordinary experiences with sensational women within an unbelievable and paramount organization.  So much can happen and so much good can be done all by saying yes…

Mitzi Solomon, Women’s Philanthropy Mexico Journey participant

Fed5: Investing in Jewish Education and Our Community’s Future

JScreen, a recipient of the Federation’s Jewish Innovation Fund, is a genetic screening and education program that offers comprehensive at-home testing on saliva. In 2019, Federation’s Innovation initiative funded JScreen’s pilot project, “CancerGEN,” an innovative genetic test that identifies changes associated with increased risks for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, as well as various types of cancer such as breast, prostate, and colon cancer. With Federation’s support, this initiative has expanded, including cost-saving opportunities for our NextGen age group through carrier screenings.

Karen Shmerling and her daughter shared that their JScreen test unveiled a genetic revelation that prompted them to devise an action plan. “Michelle volunteered for a BRCA study held by JScreen, a test that literally saved my life and Michelle’s,” recalls Karen. Karen urges everyone, regardless of gender, to undergo genetic testing, emphasizing the importance of having a choice before cancer dictates it for them.

CLICK HERE to learn more about JScreen and your options for testing and read more about Karen and Michelle’s story here.

JumpSpark, Federation’s Jewish teen initiative, is uniquely positioned to create positive environments where not only Jewish learning happens, but also mental health and wellness can flourish. JumpSpark recently brought in BaMidBar, an organization that works to ensure that Jewish youth and young adults have the confidence, skills, and community support to navigate life’s challenges and thrive in the face of adversity.

This in-person learning experience for Jewish teen professionals was an opportunity to expand their understanding of mental health and wellness through a Jewish lens. Professionals explored ways in which they can foster social and emotional growth in the young adults they serve and build the tools and supportive network they need to actively promote resilience and help their students thrive.

Federation’s JumpSpark initiative brings a strong culture of collaboration and strength amongst youth-serving professionals in Atlanta by providing them with relevant and tactical professional development opportunities that they can apply in their daily lives.

Jewish Abilities Atlanta grants support community partners in launching projects that create more inclusive and accessible communities for people with disabilities. Grantee, Ahavath Achim Synagogue, recently received funds to install an adjustable torah table that enables people of all statures and in wheelchairs to read from the Torah. They also installed an automatic door opener which enables those with disabilities easier access to the sanctuary. The synagogue staff shared that the JAA grant is far greater than the grant itself. The door not only gives disabled members easier access to the sanctuary but also creates greater independence and an overall positive experience for the person using the door opener. These installations provide the synagogue with an opportunity to educate their youth in areas of kindness while actively improving the physical access to the sanctuary and elevating the entire spiritual worship of the congregation.

Federation’s Jewish Education Collaborative is constantly working toward improving supplemental Jewish education in Atlanta. JEC elevates Jewish education as a communal priority by improving teacher quality and investing in talent, exploring innovation, strengthening collaboration, creating networks, improving where and how Jewish learning is experienced, and changing perceptions about Jewish education.

One of its latest initiatives, BOOST Micro-Grants (Building On Our Strengths Together) is intended to grow and enhance nascent educational programs and help creative ideas move from the pilot phase to model status. Sometimes all it takes to transform programs from “good” to “great” is a little BOOST! Grants range from $500-$2,500.

FY24 Grantees Include:

  • MJCCA– Launching a new “Reading the Omer” program for children and families throughout the community
  • Temple Beth Tikvah– Launching a new serious of Religious School Family Shabbat programs throughout the year
  • Congregation Gesher L’Torah– Launching a new series of Gesher Limmud Family Education programs
  • Diamond Family Religious School at Temple Emanu-El– Launching a new series of Honeybee Jewish Environmental Education programs
  • Temple Kahillat Chaim– Creating a new outdoor classroom for Jewish learning programs
  • Congregation Shearith Israel– Launching a new Chugim Elective program in the Machanei Shai religious school

As a community that believes in the value and importance of Jewish education, it is heartwarming when we see the impact Jewish learning has on young people. Davis Academy graduate Vivian Kohn recently presented a Ted Talk on the topic of “Igniting the Ruach Within”. During these 10 minutes, she beautifully shares her perspective on being a Jewish young person, her experience as a student in Israel at the Alexander Muss High School in Israel, and her reflections on Oct 7.

Last year, Federation invested more than $1.2 million dollars into Jewish education including its allocation to Vivian’s alma mater, Davis Academy. Federation is also committed to growing the number of teens who take part in an immersive Israel experience like Vivian did when she attended the Alexander Muss High School in Israel (AMHSI). AMHSI is a part of RootOne, a partner of Federation’s, which provides $3,000 vouchers for eligible programs to teens in Greater Atlanta.
CLICK HERE to see Vivian’s Ted Talk.

To learn more about opportunities for teen experiences in Israel, email Atlanta’s RootOne Shlicha (emissary), Lior Fridman, at

Important Update on Federation Leadership

Eric Robbins, who has served as the CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta for eight years, has announced his resignation and will be stepping down. Eric has graciously agreed to stay on board through June 30th to support a smooth transition and will continue as an advisor to Federation as needed.

Eric has many notable accomplishments but more than anything, he has brought the Atlanta Jewish community together like never before. He has been a leader in the Jewish community through an extremely challenging past five years managing the organization through world events including the Pittsburgh Tree of Life Shooting, COVID-19, the war in Ukraine, and most recently, the massacre of October 7 and the ongoing war in Israel. We are grateful for Eric’s leadership through these unprecedented challenges.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta has been the philanthropic heart and soul of the Atlanta Jewish community for more than a century. A committee led by Debbie Kuniansky, Matt Bronfman, and other regional leaders will soon commence a national search for a permanent CEO who will help innovate and accelerate our mission and vision and help to build the infrastructure needed for a thriving Atlanta Jewish Community for the next 100 years.

In the coming weeks, we will connect with all community stakeholders to answer questions, discuss any needed transition plans, and more.

Beth Arogeti, Board Chair, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta

Because Of You, 22 Israeli Children & Their Families Found Refuge at The Epstein School

“We’ve never done this before, but that’s what you do as a Jewish organization. You jump in and help.”

After October 7th, dozens of Israeli families fled to Atlanta, some of whom had connections here and some who didn’t know a soul.

Many were able to come thanks to a local Chabad initiative that funded flights and arranged homestays for these families. But when it came to providing a safe and welcoming Jewish educational environment, it was Federation that stepped up to supplement the tuition and security so that 22 Israeli children could attend Epstein for the entirety of their stay.

Because of this, Epstein is one of the top schools in the country to absorb such a large number of Israeli kids in this short period.

From Pre-K to 8th grade, Epstein welcomed these children and their families with open arms, ensuring that they had what they needed to feel at home. One of the many things they did was bring in extra Hebrew-speaking teachers and support staff to help with translating, which was especially important for the younger children.

They also rallied their parent community to ensure that these Israeli families always had an invitation to Shabbat dinner, a holiday gathering, or a birthday party, and that children could participate in extracurricular activities like basketball. In every way, these families became a part of the Epstein ecosystem and developed relationships that will carry them forward for years to come.

“We got just as much out of this experience as the Israelis did,” said Dr. David Abusch-Magder, Head of School at the Epstein School.

Dr. D explained that, for some Epstein students and their parents, this was their first time connecting with native Israelis who were affected by the events of October 7th and the war that has followed. Epstein became a space for understanding, compassion, and friendship that would have never blossomed otherwise. While the circumstances are very unfortunate, many Epstein families now have a very personal connection to Israel that they did not have prior to October 7th.

“Epstein and Federation were able to do this together,” said Dr. D. “As Jews, we take care of one another.”

From the Epstein community and all of us at Federation: Thank you.

Fed5: Celebrating Our Community’s Impact

Federation is thrilled to announce that Jack Halpern will be the recipient of the 2024 Lifetime of Achievement Award!

Jack’s dedication to the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta for nearly four decades, coupled with his leadership roles and transformative initiatives throughout our community, makes him a most deserving recipient of this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award. His impactful contributions extend to The Epstein School, the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta, and the Southeast Chapter of the American Jewish Committee, where he has demonstrated unwavering commitment and received prestigious honors. Jack’s advocacy for social justice through the Anti-Defamation League underscores his remarkable legacy of service.

Jack’s award will be given at the Annual Meeting on Monday, June 3 at 7 pm at Temple Sinai. (Registration information to come soon). We look forward to celebrating with Jack and Jewish ATL!

Grow a Legacy, which took place on Thursday, February 29th at Ahavath Achim Synagogue, was a huge success! With 180 people in attendance, it was a wonderful gathering in celebration of our community’s commitment to philanthropy, legacy giving, and a commitment to a thriving Jewish Atlanta. The evening’s speakers, Ted Blum, Jenny Levison, and Mike Leven, all shared heartfelt stories of their childhoods and parents, and how their upbringing influenced their philanthropic visions. The program, which was Emceed by the hilarious local comedian, Amanda Marks, left everyone feeling inspired, uplifted, and confident in our Jewish community’s future.

Since October 7th, the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta has stood as a beacon of strength and compassion both for Israel and our local community. Our fundraising initiatives have been nothing short of remarkable, raising millions locally and contributing to a national effort to address urgent needs in Israel.

Though our work is ongoing, we have produced a digital Israel Emergency Campaign Impact Report that memorializes what our community has done together since October 7th. It is a true testament to our community’s collective strength, resilience, commitment, and hope, and makes us even more proud to be a part of Jewish ATL.

CLICK HERE to Read our Israel Emergency Impact Report!

Federation’s Interfaith Family Director, Doug Konkel and Rabbi Elizabeth Breit of B’nai Torah recently attended a two-day training in Seattle to learn about the Reset & Refresh program. Reset & Refresh was developed in 2018 by Rabbi Samuel Klein of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle as an ancillary program for applicants to Honeymoon Israel, a federation partner program that brings young couples from our city to Israel as a catalyst for building a lifelong Jewish community. This unique program is intended for multi-faith couples to bond as they learn the spiritual, aesthetic, and ritualistic foundations of Shabbat through seven dinner sessions spread over two months. We are excited that Atlanta was chosen along with Portland, Austin and Buffalo to pilot the program in our respective cities and along with Atlanta’s Honeymoon Israel program, look forward to launching later this spring.

Federation’s Chair of the Atlanta Jewish Foundation, Steven Cadranel will receive Hillel’s of Georgia Billi & Bernie Marcus Visionary Award. This award is presented to a community member who has demonstrated a strong commitment to Jewish life in Georgia, dedication to students on campus, and shown philanthropic support to Hillels of Georgia to increase the organization’s capacity and grow the number of Georgia’s Jewish college students who have meaningful Jewish experiences.

With acts of antisemitism on the rise across Georgia and the nation, Hillels of Georgia is shining a spotlight on Steven Cadranel, a true visionary and advocate for Israel and Jewish life in Georgia. His enduring support of Hillels of Georgia has been instrumental in the organization’s continued ability to serve generations of Jewish students in a time when it is most needed.

Steven Cadranel has made a wide and lasting impact in the Jewish community of Georgia and beyond. With the presentation of the Billi & Bernie Marcus Visionary Award, we celebrate Steven’s extraordinary contributions and honor his legacy, an inspiration to us all. Mazel tov, Steven!

Women’s History Month with Beth Weiller Arogeti


March is Women’s History Month and we couldn’t miss the opportunity to highlight a woman who has shaped, inspired, and led our Federation community, Beth Weiller Arogeti, the Chair of the Board of Trustees at the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta. We asked her to share with us her journey, advice, and wisdom.

Rooted in a familial connection to the Atlanta Jewish community since the mid-1860s, Beth, a fifth-generation Atlantan, grew up at The Temple and was involved in community service through organizations like the Councilettes.  We asked her the following questions for Women’s History Month.

What inspired you to volunteer as Chair of the Board of Trustees at the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, and how has your journey led you to that position? 

The Atlanta Jewish community has been here for me and my family since the mid-1860s. As a fifth-generation Atlantan, my journey mirrors that of others who have held the role of Board Chair, albeit with some unique aspects. Growing up in Atlanta, my family attended The Temple, where I was confirmed in 1970 from the Sunday School and became a part of the Temple Youth Group, marking my initiation into community service. As a teenager, I joined Councilettes, the junior division of the National Council of Jewish Women, laying the foundation for years of volunteering in the community.

Since my early teens, the Federation has been a priority for my family. I had an exceptional role model in my mother, Margaret Strauss Weiller, who worked for the Women’s Division (now Women’s Philanthropy). Following in her footsteps, I’ve volunteered in various roles within the Federation organization, serving as President, Chair of Women’s Philanthropy, and Chair and Vice-Chair of our Community Campaign.

Can you share a significant achievement or project that you are particularly proud of during your time as a Federation community member? 

As a Jewish woman, I believe that the simple act of one Jew asking another Jew to help a third makes you a leader. This philosophy has attracted many wonderful people to our organization, turning them into leaders and stakeholders. The difference between being a leader or staying on the sidelines often lies in the act of asking.

Who are some women that have influenced or inspired you in your Federation journey, and how have they impacted your approach to leadership? 

My mother, Margaret Strauss Weiller, remains the most influential woman in my lifetime, leading by example. Her friends, Marilyn Shubin and Lois Blonder, along with my friend, Viki Freeman, have served as role models and mentors, guiding and supporting me in my community endeavors. Additionally, the five women who preceded me as Board Chairs—Betty Ann Jacobson, Carol Cooper, Linda Selig, Lisa Galanti, and Lori Kagen Schwarz—have also been significant role models.

Has anything else inspired you on your leadership journey? 

Seeing my children, Michelle and Ian Stribling, Jonathan and Sarah, involved in our Jewish community each in their own way is inspiration for me to continue trying to make this community the best that it can be for generations to come.  Now with the recent addition of 3 grandchildren being raised here in Atlanta, I feel more driven to work harder so all young people can have a wonderful upbringing in this wonderful city.  Also, I recently discovered fascinating information about my great-grandfather, Joseph Hirsch, on my mother’s side.  He came from Gimbheim, Germany, a small town between Frankfurt A/M and Darmstadt, and served as the first President of the Hebrew Orphans’ Home in 1914. This revelation reinforced my sense of destiny in being a leader in this community.

As a successful woman, what advice do you have for other women aspiring to leadership roles within the Jewish Federation or similar organizations? 

My advice for those aspiring to leadership roles is to take advantage of all the opportunities the community offers. Be curious, ask questions, and find something that excites you. The journey is more enjoyable when shared with a friend.

Beth Arogeti’s leadership journey is a testament to her enduring commitment to our community, her strong familial legacy, and her love for Jewish life. From her roots in the Atlanta Jewish community to pivotal roles within Federation, Beth exemplifies the power of leadership grounded in a passion for service and a deep understanding of community needs. We hope that this narrative encourages the future generation of female leaders, especially during Women’s History Month, when we reflect on the contributions of women in the past and present.

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