The BeWellATL initiative, housed at Jewish Family and Career Services (JF&CS) and made possible through a generous grant from the Zalik Foundation, will create an infrastructure to build resiliency and cross-community partnerships, to connect the community to services, and increase capacity to better respond to community needs. The national BeWell initiative was developed through a collaboration of the Network of Jewish Human Services Agencies (NJHSA) and Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA).
The BeWellATL Initiative builds on JF&CS’s array of mental health programs focusing on enhancing mental health through strengthening and building resilience in families and youth. Services at The Horwitz-Zusman & Family Center, part of Frances Bunzl Clinical Services, include traditional therapy, psychoeducational testing, parent coaching, executive coaching, and monthly focus workshops for parents and the community.
The funds, secured through the Atlanta Jewish Funder Collaborative led by the Atlanta Jewish Foundation, will be used to support Jewish youth facing mental health challenges as well as those that care for them. The initiative will focus on the needs of young adults 12-26, to help them thrive through training, consulting, and mobilizing networks of care for positive youth development and overall wellbeing.
Your one-time gift to Federation will support the BeWellATL initiative and be matched dollar for dollar by the Zalik Foundation. Thank you for supporting this critical work.
Thank you!