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Built for This

For generations, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta has cultivated worldwide partnerships supporting Jews and their loved ones around the world. With your dollars, and our incredible partners, Ukrainian Jews have never been forgotten.

  • Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta — allocated more than $3.6M in 2021 to support Jews and Jewish life around the world  
  • Jewish Agency for Israel — brings Shlichim (emissaries) to Ukraine, runs Sunday programs, brings Ukrainian youth to Israel for immersive programs, and supports the Aliyah of Jews. 
  • American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) — supports multiple Hesed centers across 1000 locations, supporting the most vulnerable people of Ukraine, runs JCCs and Jewish youth programs to help younger generations reimagine Jewish life where it once was all but decimated. 
  • World ORT — plays an important role in the renewal of Jewish life through Jewish day schools, vocational training, and more. 

All this work happens because of you, and because of our collective 115-year commitment to Jews and their loved ones throughout greater Atlanta, Israel, and the world.

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