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Mazel Tov to Cherie Aviv: AFP’s Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year

When the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Greater Atlanta Chapter hosts its 39th annual National Philanthropy Day event on November 4, 2021, Jewish Atlanta can take justifiable pride that Cherie Aviv will be honored as Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year. 

Cherie Aviv is a fiercely dedicated and effective fundraiser with a longtime interest in the arts, and a deep passion for social services in the Jewish community, older adults, clients with disabilities, and meeting the needs of our region’s Holocaust survivors. Her fundraising efforts and remarkable collaborative initiatives have raised more than $10 million to date to benefit people across the greater Atlanta community and beyond.

In 2016, after assessing the needs of Atlanta’s Holocaust survivors, Cherie spearheaded the partnership between Jewish Family & Career Services (JF&CS), Jewish HomeLife, Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta (MJCCA), The Breman Museum, Eternal Life-Hemshech, and Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta that created the Holocaust Survivors Support Fund (HSSF). Through Cherie’s efforts, the fund has raised just under $3 million, engaged more than 600 donors, and had a transformational impact on the lives of more than 135 Holocaust survivors annually.  

On behalf of Federation, Karen Botnick Paz nominated Aviv for the AFP award. In her nomination, Karen paints a rich picture of Cherie’s busy life. “It’s 5:30 a.m. and Cherie Aviv is quietly reading before she takes a morning run. Juggling up to four books at a time keeps her mind engaged, while running allows time for thinking. These hobbies provide a healthy balance to her full-time volunteer schedule which runs the gamut from fundraising, creating special moments, outreach, and hands-on activities.  

Cherie applies this same discipline and determination to everything she undertakes. Terri Bonoff, CEO JF&CS said, “Cherie’s approach is to respond to community needs with urgency and innovation. This was evident with the 2014 JF&CS Capital Campaign to Complete the Campus where the campaign raised $6.6 million, exceeding the goal by $1.5 million. Cherie co-chaired with John Perlman and made the matching lead gift 

Miriam Friedman, an MJCCA professional shared, “Cherie co-led a team of 15+ volunteer and staff solicitors and helped to construct the campaign framework from marketing materials to campaign structure and reporting, to board solicitations and grant writing. Cherie’s project management savvy kept the team on track and motivated, exceeding the campaign goal by over $1.5 million.”   

Mark Silberman, past Board Chair of Federation said, “Cherie has no peer when it comes to fundraising. Absolutely the best I have seen.” 

While serving as Vice President of Development at Jewish HomeLife, Cherie increased their annual campaign by 25%. From 2014-2016, as Co-Chair of Jewish Family & Career Services Capital Campaign, she helped secure $6.6 million. In 2018, she and her husband Gary chaired a record-setting Community of Caring luncheon, which raised $500,000. 

Cherie is not only generous with her time and expertise, she is personally generous, though her giving is often anonymous. Supporting letters for the AFP award provide story after story of her dedication and generosity and her engaging collaborative style.  

Tammi Parker, a friend, and volunteer observes, “Cherie is the ultimate player/coach. She creates the experience for the volunteer, makes it look easy and doable, and fills in any gaps that the volunteer is not able to cover.  Terri Bonoff addedOn one occasion, I joined 20 volunteers to make rugelach to give to survivors, caregivers, or clients with disabilities. These volunteer baking events are quite inspiring and there are waiting lists to join.” 

One thing is for certain, what Cherie has done for the Atlanta community and beyond is priceless. Her impact is everywhere. JF&CS can provide comprehensive support services for any senior in the Atlanta community through Aviv Older Adult Services. Jewish HomeLife is well known throughout Atlanta for its high quality of care at Aviv Rehabilitation Center. Thousands of older adults are cheered by birthday cards through Aviv Celebrations. Cancer patients feel the warmth through fleece blankets while going through chemotherapy delivered through her efforts. She has shared that she has more new projects in the works.   

Thank you, Cherie, for the abundance of wisdom, persistence, and chesed you bring to philanthropy. You have lifted countless lives! 

Atlanta Leads the Way in Hebrew Language Instruction

Atlanta innovates again! The Jewish Education Collaborative (JEC) is excited to announce that for the 2021-22 academic year, four Atlanta synagogue schools are piloting The Atlanta Hebrew Connection – an exciting community online program for Hebrew language learning. The Atlanta Hebrew Connection focuses on teaching students to decode Hebrew, learn prayers, and  understand their meaning. It offers small classes, flexible scheduling, and excellent instruction right at home. Ahavath Achim Synagogue, Temple Kol Emeth, Congregation Shearith Israel, and Temple Sinai have all signed on to the program, created by Shalom Learning, a nationally renowned education organization. 

Online Hebrew makes sense for busy families who have had to carpool their kids to Hebrew school in Atlanta traffic. Synagogue school educators have collaborated on the new program with guidance from the Jewish Education Collaborative (JEC). Rabbi Elana Perry, Director of JEC says, “We’ve found that compared to in-person Hebrew instruction, children learn Hebrew just as effectively, if not better, in an online setting.”   

Key components of the Atlanta Hebrew Connection include: 

  • Synchronous, small group learning sessions (3-5 students in each) 
  • Excellent curriculum and instruction methods 
  • Top-quality teachers 
  • Social connections among students from different congregations and/or parts of the community 
  • Choosing a class time that works best for your family 
  • NOT having to battle Atlanta traffic in the middle of the week!

What We Learned About COVID Safety

Making Jewish Atlanta Safe Again 
By Jeffrey A. Gopen, Chief Operating Officer Jewish HomeLife 

In May, the CDC reported 84% of US adults 65+ have gotten at least their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 71.9% have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Cases in nursing homes as of June have dropped to less than one per thousand from a high of 31 per thousand in December 2020. 

As much as this pandemic cost our organization financially, emotionally, and physically, Jewish HomeLife continues to support community-wide efforts to make Jewish Atlanta safe again. With over 85% of our staff and 95% of our residents vaccinated across all our residential communities, the vaccine, along with our other safety measures, has allowed us to achieve nearly full immunity. Consistent with our mission, we want to help Jewish Atlanta get there as well. 

Jewish HomeLife can now take our expertise and once again share it with you. We are the only senior care organization in Atlanta with the ability to self-vaccinate any new residents, staff, and families on demand. As a new vaccination site, we intend to assist our community partners. From preschools and camps to shuls and schools, Jewish HomeLife can help everyone in our community return to normalcy. This allows us to continue our mission of getting to 100% vaccination rates for our residents, clients, patients, and staff. 

Thanks to Federation and generous community support, Jewish HomeLife was able to spare no expense to protect our own residents and staff while offering access and expertise to Jewish organizations throughout Atlanta. When personal protective equipment (PPE) was in short supply, Jewish HomeLife provided access to our own strained supply chain so shuls and schools could safely set up their new virtual models.  

When access to testing was a challenge, our ability to move mountains with our local lab once again afforded access to synagogues, day schools, camps, and other Jewish organizations to provide fast and accurate testing so they could reopen safely. Most recently, after months of waiting for our application to be processed, Jewish HomeLife finally received federal approval to administer vaccines.  

I am in my third decade of serving the aging, first as a physical therapist, then as a nursing home administrator, operations director, and now in my fourth year as Chief Operating Officer of Jewish HomeLife. As a clinician and a business leader, the most important aspect of what we do is staying true to our mission – supporting all stages of The Aging Journey. Our community can be proud that its support of its own Jewish senior care organization makes us all safer. 

They Clicked from the First Phone Call

Brian M., who lives near the JF&CS office in Dunwoody, stopped in at the beginning of the pandemic and asked how he might be of help. He filled out a volunteer application and was directed to Vivienne Kurland, Program Coordinator of One Good Deed, JF&CS’ friendly visitor program supporting older adults. 

His timing was terrific. One Good Deed was quickly pivoting to a Phone Friend Program connecting volunteers with older adults who were at heightened risk of loneliness and isolation due to COVID-19 guidelines. 

Sharon Spiegelman, One Good Deed’s Program Manager, and her partner Vivienne Kurland, had a match in mind. They had met with a man named Leonard shortly before the pandemic and had a good feeling about Brian and Leonard being a great match.  

To quote Brian, “This was a friendship that clicked from the first call!”   

The pair quickly established a close bond around a common interest — sports. “We’d recap what happened in sports, with no judgments, no matter what teams we root for.” After a FaceTime call, Leonard said, “I get a vicarious thrill out of hearing what you’re doing at your job.”  

As soon as both Brian and Leonard were both fully vaccinated, they arranged to meet. Brian had previously said on a FaceTime call, “I look forward to the day when it’s safe enough to meet in person.” 

Now it’s happening! So far, the pair have enjoyed lunch together and a tour of Tucker, where Leonard lives. Brian reciprocated with an incredible treat for Leonard who had not been to a baseball game in four years — he got tickets to a Braves game, and they sat right behind the dugout, where both enjoyed complimentary food and beverages! 

Learn more about supporting an older adult through One Good Deed. We also celebrate Sharon Spiegelman who is retiring from the program she managed and sustained for more than 15 years. Thank you, Sharon! 

Expanded Emergency Services for Georgia and Regional Holocaust Survivors

We are excited to share that Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta and JF&CS have become KAVOD SHEF initiative partners. The additional KAVOD SHEF funding will help meet the needs of survivors in Georgia and the Southeast region primarily for home care needs. It will be administered by JF&CS and will supplement Claims Conference funding and the impactful work of the Holocaust Survivor Support Fund (HSSF) improving the lives of survivors who need assistance.

Since 2016, Federation’s Holocaust Survivor Support Fund (HSSF), under the leadership of Cherie Aviv, has provided funding to address shortfalls from the Claims Conference to meet the needs of survivors in their final years. These funds provide survivors with grocery food gift cards, home-delivered meals, medical/dental-related needs, homecare, emergency assistance, and more in Georgia and remote locations in the Southeast.

There are 160 survivors in Georgia, and 58 in the regional program, who receive some type of financial assistance from the Claims Conference and/or HSSF funding. More than 25 percent of survivors receiving support have annual incomes that fall below the Federal Poverty Level.

Home care continues to be the most needed service and the costliest and additional help is now coming for survivors in Georgia and the Southeast region. The Seed the Dream Foundation has partnered with KAVOD, a long-time advocate for survivors, to establish the KAVOD Survivors of the Holocaust Emergency Fund (SHEF). KAVOD SHEF exponentially multiplies the dollars and vital services directly reaching survivors and ensuring their dignity and quality of living.

Atlanta Innovates Again: World’s First Inclusive Melton Program

The Florence Melton School is the largest adult Jewish learning program in the world. Atlanta’s Melton program, part of the Lisa F. Brill Institute for Jewish Learning at the MJCCA, has one of the largest enrollments in North America. So, leave it to Atlanta to pioneer the world’s first inclusive Melton class that brings adults with and without disabilities together to learn virtually.

The unique, inclusive, Melton curriculum, called Members of the Tribe (MOT) is in its second semester with an enrollment of 17 students. It has been hailed as a ground-breaking effort to break barriers in adult education. Discussions are underway with the Florence Melton School Institute at Hebrew University about replicating the local Atlanta adaptation of the curriculum worldwide.

“We would never have had this class without guidance and support from the Jewish Abilities Alliance of Atlanta (JAA),” said Talya Gorsetman, who runs adult learning at the MJCCA. “JAA introduced us to Jay Kessler who helped it. Even more crucially, JAA has guided us about the nuances of inclusive language and other best practices when working with people of diverse abilities. Our teachers have also been wonderful, and we are so proud that this curriculum is going global.”

As for Jay Kessler, this longtime Jewish advocate in Atlanta for people with disabilities is both a cheerleader and recruiter who attends every class. “When Talya Gorsetman first told me about the class, I knew it had the unique potential to connect people with disabilities to people without disabilities,” Kessler said. “Every time I attend class, I am inspired. Devorah Lowenstein, this semester’s teacher asked the class, ‘what’s precious to you?’ A student named Rachel Gray, who has Down syndrome said, ‘My soul is precious to me, because my soul teaches me how to talk to God.’  “The Rebbe himself couldn’t have said it better.”

Elated Parents, Happy Kids

The much-anticipated re-opening of Jewish camps for summer 2021 is happening in full force! Duffle bags are being packed. Names are being written on everything, even masks!  Staff is on site at all of our regional overnight camps, and campers have begun to arrive. Our Jewish day camps are bursting with energy.   

Jewish Camp Initiative Manager, Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez, has been joyful and even a little teary to see so many kids returning to camp or going for the first time.  “A year ago, we had no idea what the future of Jewish camping looked like. And now, our camps are filled with campers and staff ready to dive back in and re-engage with this amazing immersive summer experience.”  

But don’t just take our word for it, hear from parents and professionals who are witnessing Summer 2021’s glorious reopening first-hand: 

A Camp Barney Mom:
Michelle Michelman, who grew up in New Orleans, is a Camp Barney Medintz alumna. Not surprisingly, her older daughter Ava, 11 has spent three fabulous summers at Barney and was heartbroken over last summer’s shut-down. “Ava talked about camp all year long in incredible detail — Shabbat, the ‘Blob,’ and her favorite activities. When she felt down about missing camp, she just texted her friends. We dropped Ava off last weekend and her younger sister Liza will be at Barney later this summer for a 10-day session for younger kids.” 

“I have no anxiety about my girls being at camp this summer in regards to COVID-19 or their general safety. Going through Hurricane Katrina taught me a lot about coming through on the other side. Our camps have spent a lot of time and planning to ensure our kids have a safe summer. 

To me, camp is a remarkable skill-building, growing experience — it’s everything! I jokingly tell the kids, ‘We will eat ramen noodles in order to send you to camp. It’s that important.”

Day Camp Parent:
Gabby Sirner-Cohen, said, “What a relief it was to drop off my little guy at In the City Camps on Monday morning. Their COVID protocols eased my nerves, and the warm, friendly staff eased my son’s nerves.” 

A Camp Director:
Danny Herz, Director of URJ 6 Points Sports Academy says: “Being back on campus brings such great anticipation for a wonderful summer ahead of transformative Jewish experiences. The energy is palpable, and I cannot wait to see the smiles on faces and the excitement amongst our staff and faculty after almost two years of being away! We are thrilled to be able to have our community of Jewish athletes be whole and together once again!” 

A Camp Counselor Parent:
Gayle Smith said, “My daughter Gabrielle is up at Ramah Darom right now for staff training. We moved to Atlanta from Memphis while she was still in high school, and this is her first time going to a Jewish overnight camp. Gabrielle was lucky to get active in BBYO here and it connected her to a great group of Jewish girls who were going to be counselors this summer. She said, ‘I want this.’ Our family has moved quite a bit and Gabrielle’s exposure to Jewish life has been up and down, but it has really expanded since we moved to Atlanta.”

“I’m excited for her and thrilled that she chose to work at camp, all on her own, right before going to college. Her brother Ethan, 12 will be a first-time camper at Ramah for second session and we’re so grateful for the One Happy Camper grant that’s getting him there.”

June is Pride Month! Here’s How to Celebrate:

National Pride month is a special time: as President Biden said in a proclamation, “Pride is both a jubilant communal celebration of visibility and a personal celebration of self-worth and dignity.”  In June, SOJOURN, Atlanta’s advocacy organization for LGBTQ+ issues, will honor the beautiful partnerships and communities that are happening in Atlanta and continue to educate the Jewish community so that all children, teens, and adults feel worthy, affirmed, and valued.  

To celebrate Pride month, SOJOURN will be hosting a series of conversations via Instagram Live to educate, inspire, and connect with our community. Follow us @sojourngsd to tune in! 


Ten Meaningful Weeks

With the understanding that the pandemic has disproportionately impacted our cities, Repair the World Atlanta launched a local cohort of Serve the Moment last fall. It offers a ten-week opportunity with a stipend for young adults to engage in critical racial justice work, tackle food insecurity, strengthen our education system, and combat social isolation, alongside contextual and Jewish learning. We’re honored to share reflections from two members of the Serve the Moment Corps, Justine Stiftel and Grace Parker, who were clearly changed and challenged during their service in Atlanta this spring.  

A fall cohort of Serve the Moment will soon be recruiting new members. To be put on the email list for the Fall 2021 application, please email   

Justine Stiftel (They/Them):
“You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it,” the famed quote from Pirkei Avot (The Ethics of the Fathers), came up frequently during my time as a Serve the Moment Corps Member through Repair the World. Indeed, the twenty young adults in our spring cohort could never have finished our work responding to the lasting economic and social effects of the pandemic. Nonetheless, we made plenty of headway repairing our communities and strengthening our connections to Judaism. 

I had the pleasure of being partnered with Second Helpings Atlanta, a non-profit redistributing surplus food to those in need. I revised and evaluated their contact system, improving communications with their food donors, partner agencies, and volunteers. I learned the serious impact that the pandemic had on food access in our city. Thirty to forty percent of the food produced in America ends up in landfills, while one in five children in Atlanta is food insecure. It was an honor to contribute to fixing this disconnect. 

At our cohort’s weekly calls, we reflected on our experiences with our different non-profits. We heard from Jewish leaders and non-profits across the metro, expanding our knowledge of the needs of the most vulnerable populations. As the program lined up with the seven weeks of the Omer, we often connected with the seven lower sefirot. 

In 10 meaningful weeks, Serve the Moment has enabled me to learn about my city, my career goals, and my Judaism.  

Grace Parker (She/Her):
If there’s one thing that I learned from this past year it is that even in the toughest of times, there is always a silver lining. For me, that silver lining has been my experience with Repair the World’s Serve the Moment program and my partner organization, Concrete Jungle, a local nonprofit working to address food insecurity. Through Serve the Moment, I was able to dedicate the extra time on my hands toward meaningful and impactful work during a period that felt overwhelmingly helpless and hopeless for so many, myself included.

Having just moved to Atlanta during the pandemic, I was also able to connect to my newfound community in a truly special way — meeting new people, seeing new places, and taking part in conversations I would not have been exposed to otherwise. I feel incredibly grateful for this program and the countless lessons it has granted me, from lessons in empathy to a deeper connection with Jewish community service to fresh perspectives on rectifying the injustices our world faces now more than ever. I did this program to serve others, but ultimately, with each smiling face receiving their weekly nutritious groceries, I was given the greatest gift of all. 

The Power of Unity

Unity in the Face of Antisemitism  
By Allison Padilla-Goodman 
Vice President, ADL Southern Division

Jews harassed with antisemitic slurs as they walk down the street. Synagogues vandalized and receiving antisemitic threats. Jews stalked and assaulted for no other reason than for being Jewish. Online antisemitic content reaching new heights on social media platforms, with an ADL analysis identifying 17,000 tweets using variations of the phrase “Hitler was right” in a single week. 

These are just a few of the painful examples of the dangerous escalation of antisemitism in the U.S. in response to the Israel-Hamas conflict last month. In fact, antisemitic incidents reported to ADL increased by 75 percent during the conflict. 

The anxiety around antisemitism is real and ADL took action. In response to these disturbing trends, dozens of national organizations joined forces with ADL and Jewish Federations of North America on May 27 in a virtual Day of Action to #ActAgainstAntisemitism. It was tremendous. 

We saw the power of unity in action, with 33,500 participants and thousands of letters sent to members of Congress from across the country to support Jewish communities. We heard from leaders from across the country, who clearly and emphatically condemned antisemitism. These are certainly challenging times when it comes to antisemitism and hatred, yet this rally proved that American Jews will not let the narrative of hatred overwhelm us. Rather, these key moments of solidarity from our friends, and the unity demonstrated within our community, will define who we are and how we continue to persevere. 

All of this is coming on the heels of several years of historically high rates of antisemitism. Last year’s ADL Audit of Antisemitic Incidents revealed the third highest year of antisemitic incident data in our audit’s history. ADL saw sharp increases in antisemitic harassment and the hateful innovation of Zoombombing — two trends we certainly witnessed here in Atlanta last year, over and over again. It can all be overwhelming.  

This is why we must take action. We all must continue to speak up in the media, in Congress, and in our circles, both online and in person. We must never let antisemitism and hatred become normalized. We all must continue to share facts and ensure that everyone understands antisemitism and its impact. We all must continue to show strength and continue to lean into our community and allies as we did at the May 27 virtual rally. Together we must show the world that antisemitism will not be tolerated. 

ADL is here for you. Learn more about our work in the Southeast at . 

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