Breakout Session Experts
Jed Applerouth, Founder and President of Applerouth Tutoring
Sandra Bass, Director of Loan Program, JELF
Rebecca Brown, LCSW, BeWellATL Manager, JF&CS
Jordan Crawford, Ed.S., Director of Student Support and Wellness, The Weber School
Talia Goldin, Director of Marketing and Recruitment, Young Judaea Israel
Terri Jacobson, MEd., Founder and Lead Coach, Apogee College Prep
Jeremy Lichtig, Campus Director, UGA Hillel
Jill Mattos, Independent College Consultant, Admissions Lady College Counseling
Cathy Miller, Chief Operating Officer, JELF
Cari Newman, MA, Certified Parenting Coach, JF&CS
Cherise Ogle, Associate Dean of College Advising, The Weber School
Marlena Reese, Ed.D., Executive Function Coach, JF&CS
Rabbi Ilan Schwartz, Executive Director, Emory University Hillel
Amy Secor, Dean of College Advising, The Weber School
We are grateful to our partners and host committee members:
Community Partners
BeWell ATL, an initiative of JF&CS
Hillels of Georgia
Jewish Educational Loan Fund
Temple Sinai
The Weber School
Host Committee
Rachael and Jay Abt| Keren and Yossi Ben-Haim| Carla and Scott Birnbaum| Jeremy Becker and Dory Black| Staci and Matt Brill| Pam and Jonathan Cohen| Justine and Andre Cohen| Traci and Jeff Flome| Keri and Keith Greenwald| Joanna and Andy Kobylivker| Erica and Howie Krisel| Renee and Davi Kutner| Betsy and Michael Levy| Susie and Andrew Mackler| Caren and Michael Merlin| Deb and Josh Perlstein| Kelly and Craig Richman| Heather and Devon Rifkin| Ray Alyssa Rothman| Allison and Jason Smith| Lauren and Hilton Sturisky| Heather Weiner and Kevin Berman|