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Shining A Light On The Transition To College/Gap Year

April 16, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Get Informed. Get Connected. Get Resources.

Are you nervous about your child’s transition to college or gap year? Let us help support you and your teen through the process. Join JumpSpark, Atlanta’s Jewish teen initiative, and our community partners, for an evening of information sharing, resource collection and connection with fellow parents of seniors. Parents will leave with a toolkit of resources that will help guide them and their teens through the transition and help alleviate undue stress on their families.

Featuring a series of meaningful breakout sessions with experts in the field.

  • What to expect from your teen as they prepare to leave.
  • Tips on effective communication strategies with your child.
  • How to support your own and your child’s emotional wellbeing through the process.
  • Learn about ways that your child can engage Jewishly and with Israel in college or through a gap year.
  • How to connect with your child about the dangers of substance abuse.
  • Advice on simplifying your child’s move (including the all-important packing list).

We are grateful to our partners and host committee members:

Community Partners:
BeWell ATL, an initiative of JF&CS, and Hillels of Georgia

Host Committee*:
Rebekah Barr and Ben Pargman, Dana and Eric Bernath, Renay and Ned Blumenthal, Cindy and Gil Burstiner, Amanda and Chuck Cohn, Felissa and Josh Covin, Debbie Diamond and Yom Tov Maman, Jennifer and Adam Meyerowitz, Allison and Jonathan Dubovsky, Lee and Jeff Edelman, Pia Koslow Frank and Tal Frank, Beth and Jeff Feldstein, Vanessa and Isaac Frank, Kimberly and Marc Glenn, Marla and Jeffrey Gold, Anat and Brian Granath, Shauna and Steven Grosswald, Carey and Jason Guggenheim, Melinda and Adam Katz, Shelly and David Katz, Andrea and Andy Lipman, Susie and Andrew Mackler, Kristen and Lee Pollock, Kate and Howard Robins, Ana and Eric Robbins, Karen and Jonathan Sard, Elana and Mark Satisky, Jen and Miles Slutzky, Mia and Mitch Spolan, Allison and David Srochi, Shana and Alan Stukalsky, Amy and Aaron Surasky, Julie and Ben Taube, Ilana and Jerry Tolk, Stacey and Brian Tovin, Rachel Alterman Wallack and Sandy Wallack, Risa and Rich Walter

*list current as of 3/4/2024
For more information, contact Amy Fox at

Register for this event below. It is located at a private residence in Sandy Springs, exact location provided upon registration.


April 16, 2024
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Categories:




Sandy Springs


Personal Residence
To be provided upon registration.
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