See a growing list of upcoming Yom Kippur events around Jewish Atlanta.
Yom Kippur Events
Sunday, Septemeber 27
Congregation Bet Haverim
5 pm | Yom Kippur Service for Younger Children
8 pm | Kol Nidre Service
Congregation B’nai Torah*
4 pm | Tot Kol Nidre with PJ Library
6:40 pm | Mincha
6:50 pm | Prepare for Kol Nidre with Holocaust Survivors and Past Presidents
7 pm | Kol Nidre Prayer
7:10 pm | Light Candles
7:15 pm | President’s Remarks
7:25 pm | Remainder of Kol Nidre
9:30 pm | Teen Schmooze with Rabbi Heller
Gesher L’Torah
7:30 pm | Kol Nidre Under The Stars
Shearith Israel*
9 am | Morning Minyan Service
6:45 pm | Mincha, Kol Nidre, & Ma’ariv Services
7 pm | Candle Lighting
The Temple Beth Tikvah | 8 pm | Kol Nidrei
The Temple Emanu-El *| 8 pm | Kol Nidre
The Temple* | 7:30 pm | Kol Nidre Congregational High Holy Day Worship Service
Temple Sinai *
9 am | Crest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery Service
10 am | Arlington Memorial Park Cemetery Service
7:30 pm | Kol Nidre Service
9 pm | Post-Sermon Dialogue with Rabbi Segal
Monday, September 28
Congregation Bet Haverim*
9:30 am | Morning Service
11:30 am | Yom Kippur Service for Older Children
12:30 pm | Torah Service
1:45 pm | Torah Study with Rabbi Gottfried
2 pm | Children’s Yom Kippur Time Capsule
3:30 pm | Contemplative Chant and Meditation Avodah Service
6 pm | Stand Befor The Ark
6:30 pm | Abbreviated Yizkor Prayers & Neilah
7:45 pm | Havdallah & Break Fast Blessings
Congregation B’nai Torah*
8:30-10:00 am | P’sukei and Shacharit
10:00 am | Torah Service
11:00 am | Sermon and Yizkor
12:00-2:00 pm | Musaf
Additional Morning Services with Rabbi Konigsburg
8:30-9:15 am | Tot Yom Kippur
9:30-11:00 am | Enrichment Service (no Yizkor)
Youth Services
1:00-2:00 pm | Middle School service with Rabbi K
2:30-3:30 pm | Grades K-2nd service
3:30-4:30 pm | Grades 3-5 service with Rabbi K
Yom Kippur Learning
2:15 pm | Class 1 led by Dov Wilker: The Future of Black/Jewish Relations: BLM, Anti-Semetism and Politics Today
3:30 pm | Class 2 led by Rabbi Ed Harwitz and special guests: An Intergenerational Dialogue on the Ethics of Teshuva
4:45 pm | Class 3 led by Rabbi Judith Beiner: From Study to Action: Growing in Forgiveness
6:00 pm | Interpretive Jonah Discussion with Rabbi K (overlaps with traditional Mincha service)
Closing Services
6:00 pm | Mincha with Traditional Jonah Reading
7:00 pm | Neilah
8:00 pm | Ma’ariv
8:09 pm | Fast Ends
8:10 pm | Havdalah, light parade and final shofar blast
Gesher L’Torah
9 am | Yom Kippur Services
2 pm | Yom Kippur Conclusion: Open Ark Visits
6 pm | Afternoon & Neilah Services
Shearith Israel*
9 am | Yom Kippur Morning Services
5:30 pm | Mincha, Ne’ila, & Ma’ariv Services
7:55 pm | Havdalah & Virtual Break-the-Fast
8:15 | Havdalah
Temple Beth Tikvah
8:30 am | Young Family Service on Zoom
9:30 am | Shacharit & Pesukei D’Zimra
10:30 am | Morning & Torah Service
12-3:45 pm | Afternoon study on Zoom
12-12:45 pm | Text study Holiness Code with Rabbi Tam
1-1:45 pm | Music of the Holy Days | Cantor Kassel
2-2:45 pm | Text Study Book of Job | Rabbi Shuval-Weiner
3-3:45 pm | Yizkor Meditation | Dr. Terry Segal, Ph.D.
3-3:45 pm | Text Study | Rabbi Tam
3 pm | Open Ark for Private Meditation
4 pm | Yizkor
5:30 pm | Mincha, Neilah, and Havdallah
The Temple Emanu-El*
10 am | Service
11:15 am | Speaker Dr. Allison Padilla-Goodman, ADL
2 pm | Young Children’s Service
3 pm | Healing Service-Rabbi Emeritus Scott Colbert
3:30 pm | Mincha Study Session-Zoom
4:30 pm | Yizkor Service
5 pm | Neilah Service
5:45 pm | Havdalah/Final Shofar Blast
The Temple*
9 am | Family Worship Service (Reader): Service with readings and music geared especially for families
9 am | Shanah Tovah Temple! Tot puppet service (30 minutes)
9 am | K-2 Worship Service (30 minutes)
11:30 am | Congregational High Holy Day Worship Service
2 pm | Yom Kippur Discussion
3:30 pm | Afternoon, Memorial and Concluding High Holy Day Worship Services
Temple Sinai*
10 am | Morning Service
11 am | Youth Service for ages 2-4, grades K-2, and grades 3-5
11:30 am | Post-Sermon Dialogue with Rabbi Levenberg
12 pm | Dialogue with Clergy
12 pm | Family Service
1:30 pm | Afternoon Service
2:45 pm | Education Session with Rabbi Segal
3:30 pm | Mind, Body, Spirit Service
4 pm | Memory Sharing & Remembering
4:30 pm | Yizkor (Memorial) Service
5:30 pm | Neilah Service
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