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So Many Seders & Celebrations!

By April 1, 2022February 11th, 2025Atlanta Jewish Community

Now that people are returning to in-person Passover seders, we are delighted to share the many traditional and unique Passover celebrations happening around the Atlanta Jewish community. Many of them are supported by Federation’s Making Jewish Places initiative. Don’t forget to check the Atlanta Jewish Connector for updates on Passover.

  • National Council of Jewish Women: Women’s Seder | April 5 | 6:30-9 pm | Congregation Or Hadash | FREE | Reservations 404-843-9600
  • Pesach Boot Camp | April 6 | 7:30 pm | Chabad Intown | RSVP
  • Matzah, Magic & Cookies | April 10 | 12-2 pm | Ali’s Cookies Dunwoody | FREE | REGISTER
  • Mental Health Seder | April 10 | 4-5:30 pm | Gesher L’Torah | Age 16+ | RSVP
  • Community Passover Seder | April 15 | 7:30 pm | Chabad Intown | RSVP
  • First Night Seder | April 15 | 6:30 pm | Congregation Etz Chaim | RSVP
  • Public Passover Seder | April 15 | 7:30 pm | Chabad of Rural Georgia | RSVP
  • Second Night Plant-Based Seder | Jewish Climate Action Network & Federation | April 16 | Temple Beth Tikvah |RSVP
  • Rediscovering the Passover Seder Plate – Interactive Family Experience | Outdoors | April 17 | 12-1:30 pm | Congregation Kehillat Chaim | RSVP
  • Atlanta Interfaith Hunger Seder | April 20 | 6–9 pm | Temple Kol Emeth | REGISTER
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