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Empowering the Future of Jewish Atlanta

JTeen (formerly known as JumpSpark) is the Atlanta Jewish teen initiative at Federation, dedicated to providing resources, opportunities, and support to strengthen teen engagement across the community. Our mission is to increase the number of engaged Jewish teens in Atlanta and deepen their connections to Jewish life. By fostering collaboration and providing vital resources, we’re building a thriving, dynamic Jewish teen community.

As a central hub, JTeen empowers teens, parents, and professionals by investing in impactful programs, fostering meaningful connections, and driving innovation in Jewish teen experiences. Whether through funding, partnerships, or hands-on initiatives, JTeen is committed to ensuring that every Jewish teen has access to enriching, inspiring, and supportive opportunities for growth.

What We Do

  • Provide pathways to immersive Israel opportunities  
  • Create engaging programming, pipelines for leadership development, and space for teens to share their stories and experiences.
  • Provide parents of teens with resources and opportunities to support them and their teens through their adolescence.  
  • Invest in our community through strategic financial investments 




  • We offer parenting programs for the Atlanta Jewish community. Check out our past and upcoming parent events!
  • We connect parents with helpful resources to support your role as a parent of teens.


  • JTeen’s Community Partner Network brings together local teen serving organizations to raise the bar on Jewish teen engagement in Atlanta. We provide grants and professional development opportunities to our community partners to help support our professionals in ensuring a thriving Jewish teen ecosystem. 
  • We support creative and innovative methods to deepen and expand teen engagement. Apply for funding to bring your idea into existence. 
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