Learning is a lifelong tenet of Judaism, and the Federation is committed to fostering Jewish education at every stage of life. From preschools and day schools to teen programs and Israel education initiatives, we actively support a vibrant network of learning opportunities. Through PJ Library, Jewish camps, supplementary schools, and ongoing adult education, we help ensure that Jewish learning thrives across the Atlanta community.
Jewish Education That Leads to Thriving
Jewish education is a community priority. Our resources are rich for learners at every age.
JLearn is elevating part-time Jewish education to a top communal priority.
JAccess offers inclusion trainings for Jewish professionals in our day schools, preschools, Sunday schools, and camps.
PJ Library
Children’s books make Jewish learning fun and easy for your family from the comfort of your pajamas.
Jewish education doesn’t end in May when classrooms close. Jewish summer camps create fun Jewish learning environments for kids.
Schoenbaum Shinshinim
We bring Israel and Jewish Atlanta together through human connections. Shinshinim are recent Israeli high school graduates taking a gap year in Atlanta before their military service.