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Atlanta: Always Punching Above its Weight

By June 9, 2022June 13th, 2022Atlanta Jewish Community

By Matt Bronfman, Federation Board Chair
People always lament that time is going by too fast. I have that same feeling about being the board chair of Federation. It’s only been one year, but the time is zooming by. Honestly, I think I have the coolest, most fun job in Jewish Atlanta, where I’m always meeting great people and helping our community thrive. I love working with you to build a more engaging, welcoming community across our region.

We are a Federation that continually punches above its weight. This year we set a new record for Total Philanthropy at $24M. We saw unprecedented generosity with an outpouring of support for the Ukraine Emergency Fund which raised more than $2.7M in the last two months. And we are known throughout the Federation system as a community dedicated to innovation and being a radically welcoming organization through many initiatives. We are also amplifying the good we do through Atlanta Jewish Foundation. This fiscal year fundholders have authorized more than $45 million in nonprofit grants with over 80% going to Jewish local causes.

Going forward, I am optimistic about setting a $25M goal for the 2023 Community Campaign and continuing to respond to emergencies.

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