When a person thinks about Judaism represented in literature,they often think of Holocaust books. Many of these books are incredible and definite must-reads. However, sometimes we could all use a more modern Jewish story that focuses on more than the mistreatment of our people. For this project, we decided to compile a diverse list of books featuring Jewish characters in a modern-day society. We all deserve to see ourselves represented, and this is a good way to do so.
- My Year Zero
By Rachel Gold
This book is about a love triangle, and one of the characters is Jewish

- Dancing at the Pity Party
By Tyler Feder,
In this graphic novel, the main character tells her story ten years after her mother’s death. She is also Jewish and writes about her experiences.

- You Asked for Perfect
By Laura Sliverman
The main character, Ariel Stone, is Jewish.

- Books by Becky Albertalli
- Becky is a Jewish author who features Jewish themes and character is her books.
- Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda series and spinoffs (Upside especially), all have diverse representation of Jews of all races, genders, sexualities, etc.
- What If It’s Us series
- Kate in Waiting

- Fever King (series)
- By Victoria Lee
- Two of the main characters are Jewish
Other books we have heard of:
- Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler
- As If on Cue by marissa kanter
- Today, Tonight, and Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon
- It’s a Whole Spiel- anthology of Jewish stories