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Local Teen Launches “Hearts for Healthcare Workers”

By April 21, 2020February 11th, 2025JumpSpark

My name is Emily Mand. I am a freshman at The Weber School and I love to play tennis, listen to music, and most of all hang out with my friends! Throughout quarantine, I haven’t been able to do a lot of things that I would normally.

As I sat in my house moping about everything that I lost because of this virus, like my first formal dance and my perfect Spring Break, I realized that I shouldn’t be complaining about losing those experiences. I thought about all of the innocent people who have lost their lives from COVID-19 and the doctors and nurses who are fighting to save every life they can”.

With that in mind, I created Hearts for Healthcare Workers. Working with CustomInk I created a t-shirt and logo to raise money for Direct Relief. Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies – without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay. In this current pandemic, Direct Relief is working in overdrive to get protective gear and critical care medications to as many health workers as possible, as quickly as possible, with emergency deliveries leaving daily for medical facilities across the U.S.donates medical equipment to local medical centers around the country and sends volunteers to help as well. All funds raised from t-shirt sales are going straight to Direct Relief.

My hope is that the fundraiser will not only just help Direct Relief donate more equipment but that this project will inspire others to create something to help stop the spread of this pandemic.

Both my parents and my sister are all doing their part as well. My mom is spending hours and hours making masks for doctors and nurses at Northside Hospital. My sister is making “Thank You” cards for everyone from the UPS driver to the doctors fighting and risking their lives to save patients.

Click here to buy your t-shirt and to help support Direct Relief. I hope to see you wearing your t-shirts soon!! 

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