For more than a century, the Partners Fund (commonly known as the Community Campaign) has granted generous gifts from our community where they are needed most.

Partners Fund’s core mission is to help our community organizations thrive and successfully engage, care for, and connect Jews in Atlanta, Israel, and around the world. Partners Fund is dedicated to providing long-term, sustainable financial support that brings Jewish possibilities to life.
Partners Fund directly supports more than 40 organizations that go on to support even more incredible initiatives both locally and internationally. In total, it provides opportunities for growth and impact for more than 70 organizations around the world.
The Partners Fund applies pooled donations to support and enhance the entire Atlanta Jewish ecosystem. It’s inclusive and comprehensive, enabling programs and caring for needs across the community. Giving to the Partners Fund helps to create a stable community, meeting needs where the help is most useful. Robustly managed and deliberately allocated, it is the lifeblood of our community, where your dollars work hard for those who rely on them, strengthening causes you may interact with daily and others you know little about but that are vital to the fabric of our strong community.
The Impact of Partners Fund
Because of Hillels of Georgia, a Partners Fund program, Emma discovered her Judaism.
Emma had discovered her and her family’s Jewish heritage only a few years before enrolling at KSU. When she arrived on campus she began attending Hillel events. Through our programs, Emma began learning about her heritage and developing her own connection to her Jewish heritage. She was eager to explore her Jewish identity and see firsthand the land that held such significance for her ancestors. Emma applied to go on Birthright with Hillels of Georgia and attended the program in May of 2023. Throughout the trip, Emma transformed into an inquisitive and proud member of the Jewish community, engaging in deep conversations with fellow participants surrounding Jewish practice and meaning, exploring Jewish history, and even becoming a Bat Mitzvah on our Shabbat in Jerusalem. Emma’s journey in Israel is a testament to the power of community to bring us closer to our roots.

Thanks to Federation’s support of JIFLA, a Partners Fund program, a mother was able to send her child to preschool.
“I am thankful to JIFLA for the opportunity to support my daughters preschool at a time where we had spent a lot of our financial cushion on medical emergencies. The right decision for us was to build back our reserves before continuing to give back to our community, and it feels great to be able to do both with a sense of security.”

JumpSpark, a Partners Fund-funded Federation initiative, provides life-changing resources for Jewish teens and their families.
“JumpSpark has perfectly tapped into what the needs are in navigating the transition to high school and the myriad of experiences we need to be prepared for throughout the high school years. I have learned from various renowned professionals and feel I can now more confidently understand the processes. JumpSpark is a fabulous program that the Atlanta Jewish community is so lucky to have!” – Traci Flome, parent
Life has not been easy for Zhanna and her family in Belarus. The family of four share a rundown state-allocated apartment which, though clean, is in desperate need of repair and new furniture.
Zhanna is an administrative manager for a kindergarten, while her chronically ill husband works in security at a factory. Neither job provides much of an income, especially with two children to raise and when around one quarter must go towards utility bills. Maintaining health is a constant worry and source of financial strain. Though their 12-year-old son, Daniil, is healthy, Uliana, the couple’s 10-year-old daughter, has developmental disabilities and speech disorders requiring expensive treatment they can ill afford. Because of Federation’s support to JDC, the family receives support from JDC’s Children’s Initiative (CI) in Minsk. As well as the support of a dedicated CI coordinator who works with Zhanna and her husband to identify and build a plan to address their most pressing needs. The family’s CI coordinator encourages them to attend Jewish community programs and events, such as the ‘Mom’s Club’, and Family Retreats which has been a great source of comfort for the family. Fully subsidized thanks to Federation, this year’s Family Retreat offered them quality time together away from the pressures of their daily lives, and an opportunity to meet and share experiences with other young families.
“Before our involvement with JDC’s programs, our days were relentless and unchanging: home-school-work-clinic,” Zhanna recalls. With Federation’s support, however, their lives have taken on a hopeful – and less isolated – new dimension: “Now, my family and I have diversity, thanks to help from our CI coordinator,” says Zhanna.
Partners Fund Allocation Partners
Atlanta Jewish Academy
Berman Museum
Hillels of Georgia
Jewish Family and Career Services
Jewish HomeLife
Marcus Jewish Community Centre of Atlanta
The Davis Academy
The Epstein School
The Weber School
Torah Day School of Atlanta
American Friends for the Israel ParaSport Center
Birthright Israel
Hand in Hand
Jewish Agency for Israel
Jewish National Fund/Lotem
Joint Distribution Committee
Ohel Manashe
World Union for Progressive Judaism
Yemin Orde
Youth Renewal Fund
I8 Donors
Gather Grants
Honeymoon Israel
In the City Camps
Jewish Education Collaborative
Jewish Educational Loan Fund
Jewish Fertility Foundation
Jewish Interest Free Loan of Atlanta
Jewish Kids Groups
Metro Atlanta Community
Moishe House
One Table
Repair the World