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My Experience on Federation’s Domestic Allocations Committee

By Atlanta Jewish Community

By Dawid Revell Israel

When I was first asked to join Federation’s Domestic Allocations committee, I felt honored. I was humbled to assist with deciding how much to allocate to local organizations to help our Jewish community. After coming to the first meeting, I felt like a novice in the room. Yet I didn’t stop going; I kept listening and learning. With each meeting I learned more and more, and I was blown away with the impact Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta has in upholding and protecting Jewish families and lives.  

Let me explain: there is not one type of Jew in Atlanta. We are all different people with different economic statuses, ethnic backgrounds, and cultures. We are a diverse community that contains observant Jews, unaffiliated Jews, and everything in-between—and we all make up Jewish Atlanta. And because we are a part of this city, we have access to some tremendous resources that smaller communities might not have: supplementary Jewish educational support through Jewish Education Collaborative; financial, educational, and mental support for families going through fertility treatments with Jewish Fertility Foundation; access to a community mikvah (and the only accessible mikvah in the Southeast) with Metro Atlanta Community Mikvah (MACoM); traveling to Israel for a honeymoon with Honeymoon Israel; young adults coming to someone’s house to have a Shabbat dinner with OneTable. Our Domestic Allocations Committee focuses on our local area in addressing these needs, and they do a phenomenal job in providing money to organizations that transform and improve Jewish lives.

One of the things that most impressed me is the overwhelming support we provide to Jews that may feel marginalized and not accepted in society. Some of these groups are Jews of Color, Jews of ethnic diversity, interfaith couples or families, and the LGBTQ+ community. Our committee provides funds to organizations that establish safe places for these Jewish youth and adults where they can celebrate Shabbat, go to a mikvah, or interact with other Jewish people, and also participate in everyday Jewish life as they see fit. By providing these meaningful Jewish experiences, we are helping Jewish people connect with their Jewish identity and keeping them engaged in our community. If someone is in need of financial support, they can take out an interest-free loan through Jewish Interest Free Loan of Atlanta (JIFLA). Jewish undergraduate and graduate college students have the opportunity to receive an interest-free loan through Jewish Educational Loan Fund (JELF). And people struggling with food insecurity can visit the Kosher Food Pantry at Jewish Family & Career Services.  

I look forward to another term helping to uplift and support Jewish Atlanta and upholding tikkun olam (repairing the world). 

Dawid Revell Israel is a family man, teacher, and leader in Atlanta’s Jewish community. He is a member of Congregation Shaarei Shamayim and serves on the board as the Vice President of Membership. He is a businessman who owns two restaurants, Go Vegan Grill and Mama’s Yawd, with a third restaurant and bakery in the works. Dawid is also board representative of the Atlanta Jews of Color Council and volunteers on the Domestic Allocations Committee at the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta. 

Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta’s 117th Annual Meeting


Annual Meeting 2023

Federation invites you as we celebrate our community, looking at what we have accomplished and what lies ahead for our Atlanta Jewish community. Join us at our 117th Annual Meeting as we honor 2023 Lifetime of Achievement award winner Lois Frank, bid farewell to outgoing Board Chair Matt Bronfman, and welcome incoming Board Chair Beth Arogeti. 

Wednesday, May 31, 2023 
Program begins promptly at 7 pm | Doors open at 6:30 pm

  • Recognition of a new slate of candidates for the FY2024 Federation board
  • Presentation of 2023 Lifetime Achievement and Community Award Winners 

2023 Lifetime of Achievement Award Recipient


Lois Frank

2023 Community Award Recipients

Abe Schwartz Young Leadership Award
Jonathan Arogeti
Maxine Bier 

Gerald H. Cohen Community Development Award
Victoria Kimerling Oliphant

Sylvia Newman Memorial Teacher of the Year Award
Lauren Davis | Temple Kol Emeth
Carey Grucza | Temple Kehilat Chaim

Max & Mary London People Power Award
Ronald and Samra Robbins | Backpack Buddies

Marilyn Shubin Professional Staff Development Award
Nareen Bennett | JHLC
Melissa DaSilva | JF&CS

Tikkun Olam/Community Impact Award
Joanna Kobylivker | JCan and GIPL

There is no cost to attend this meeting. RSVP below.
Questions? Contact Lisa Jacobson.

Chair: Matt Bronfman
Vice Chair: Beth Arogeti
President/CEO: Eric M. Robbins
Secretary: Lauren Grien
Treasurer: Lisa Haynor
Chair of Governance: Lynn Redd
Chair of Strategic Planning: Lewis Shubin
Past Board Co-Chairs: Lori Kagan Schwarz | Lisa Galanti Rabinowitz
Council of Lifetime Trustee Representative: Mark Silberman
Atlanta Jewish Foundation Chair: Steven Cadranel
Campaign Chair: Joel Arogeti
Community Planning & Impact Chair: Dara Grant
NextGen Chair: Jonathan Habif
Women’s Philanthropy President: Tamar Stern

Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta’s 118th Annual Meeting


Annual Meeting 2024

Federation invites you as we celebrate our community, looking at what we have accomplished and what lies ahead for our Atlanta Jewish community. Join us at our 118th Annual Meeting as we honor 2024 Lifetime of Achievement award winner Jack Halpern.  

Monday, June 3, 2024 
Program begins promptly at 7 pm | Doors open at 6:30 pm

  • Election of new slate of candidates for FY2025 Federation Trustees
  • Presentation of 2024 Lifetime Achievement and Community Award Winners 

2024 Lifetime of Achievement Award Recipient

Jack Halpern

2024 Community Award Recipients

Abe Schwartz Young Leadership Award
Dorrie Paradies 

Gerald H. Cohen Community Development Award
Rami Genauer

Sylvia Newman Memorial Teacher of the Year Award
Dodie Sachs | Congregation Beth Shalom
Jessica Brown | Congregation Bet Haverim

Max & Mary London People Power Award
Richard Bressler | Weinstein Hospice

Marilyn Shubin Professional Staff Development Award
Jeremy Lichtig | UGA Hillel
Melissa Silver | The Epstein School

Tikkun Olam/Community Impact Award
Aaron Goldman | Open Doors

There is no cost to attend this meeting. RSVP below.
Questions? Contact Lisa Jacobson.

Chair: Beth Arogeti
President/CEO: Eric M. Robbins
Vice Chair
: Debbie Kuniansky
Secretary: Michael Kogon
Treasurer: Lisa Haynor
Chair of Governance: Lynn Redd
Strategic Planning Chair: Isaac Frank
Past Board Chair: Matt Bronfman
Council of Lifetime Trustee Representative: Mark Silberman
Foundation Oversight Committee Chair: Steven Cadranel
Campaign Chair: Seth Greenberg
Community Planning & Impact Chair: Dara Grant
NextGen Chair: Adam Kazinec
Women’s Philanthropy President: Deborah Jacobs

Thank you for your interest. Advanced registration for this event is now closed.

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