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Free Security Training for Jewish ATL

At the end of August, Federation’s Community-Wide Security Program is offering two virtual classes designed to educate our community on proper safety protocols in emergencies. These seminars are meant for all members of the Atlanta Jewish community and are intended to enhance our collective security. 

“Be Aware: An Introduction to Situational Awareness” will be offered on August 23 at 7 pm. In this lesson, you’ll be given techniques to develop enhanced perception in your daily life. You’ll learn how to identify security threats, report suspicious activity, and advocate for safety in your community. 

Over 400 people recently attended the online security training module “Countering an Active Threat” conducted by the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta’s Community Security Director, Neil Rabinovitz. This class will be offered again on August 30 at 7 pm and covers topics like how to prepare mentally and physically for an emergency and steps you can take if you find yourself in the middle of an active threat.  

Looking out for each other’s safety is imperative, especially now. Antisemitic attacks are on the rise in the U.S., but we are not powerless to stop them. Be sure to sign up for your free training class and learn how you can uphold the security of Jewish ATL.  

Click here to register for these free online courses. 

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