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Solicitor Resources

Thank you for supporting the Atlanta Jewish community! Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our website and how you can best use these resources during your meetings.

Resources to Help You

Community Campaign Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I give to the Federation instead of giving directly to my favorite agency?

Supporting individual agencies directly is an essential part of ensuring our vibrant community so we encourage you to support your favorite organizations. Federation has the reach, relevancy, and impact to go beyond what any individual organization can do alone. Federation is built for this. We are a philanthropic champion raising vital funds to power Jewish Atlanta, but we also function as a community incubator and amplifier, creating and nurturing partnerships among organizations to enable projects to move forward in a bigger way to best serve the community. We use the knowledge and data we have through community planning to identify gaps and create a vision to best move Jewish Atlanta forward, and we help new projects get started through funding, mentoring, and other capacity building.

Why is it so important to give to the Partners Fund?

The Jewish Partners Fund is the engine that powers all of Jewish Atlanta and the most impactful gift you can make. Through this fund, you support the whole – enabling us to continue to provide the programs and services Jewish Atlantans depend on. With one single gift, you ensure the vibrancy of foundational organizations like Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta, Jewish Family & Career Services, Jewish HomeLife, Hillels of Georgia, The Breman Museum, day schools, and more – totaling 70+ Jewish organizations & programs that nourish our people here and abroad. This is what Federation is built for.

What are other giving opportunities?

There are several other giving opportunities that provide you with ways to enhance your giving to particular priority projects that align with your interests and values. This year, our priority projects are Everyday Jewish Thriving, AgeWell Atlanta, Jewish Abilities Atlanta, Jewish Camp Initiative, Jewish Communal Professional Fund, Jewish Innovation Fund, and LiveSecure. Through these opportunities, we focus on programs and initiatives where we are seeing great success deepening Jewish engagement, connecting with a new generation, and securing our Jewish community.

Can you help me with legacy giving, donor-advised funds or other tax-efficient giving models?

Atlanta Jewish Foundation can help with the tools you are seeking. Please visit the website at or contact
Would you like me to introduce you directly to a Foundation professional?

Can I give monthly? Can I charge my gift?

Yes, you can give monthly and you can charge your gift by credit card on our main donation page. For additional payment inquiries, please contact Jessica Johnson

What if I want to designate my gift to other nonprofits that are not part of Targeted Philanthropy?

We encourage you to speak with a Federation or Atlanta Jewish Foundation professional to review the various giving vehicles available to match your needs.

What sort of programs does Federation support? Where does my money go?

Federation supports programs that inspire Jewish journeys, enable us to rise up to strengthen ourselves & our world, create a radically welcoming Jewish Atlanta with many different Jewish places, provide security and other important community-wide services, and deepen our connections with global Jewish peoplehood. For a summary of where money was allocated last year, please visit the fiscal transparency page on our website.

I’m not happy with Israel’s politics right now so why should I give any money to them?

Federation is committed to helping Jews in need wherever they are. The programs we fund help people, not government. We know that Israel is a complicated modern nation, and we are committed to convening respectful, open dialogue where we truly listen and learn from each other. While some may struggle with Israel’s politics, we remain steadfast in our support of Israel as the Jewish homeland, and we recognize that we need Israel’s spirit and know-how as much as Israel needs us.

How can I get more involved?

We’re so excited you want to become more involved with Federation. Can we find a time to sit down with a professional from Federation to discuss the best path for your involvement?

What trips does Federation run? How can I sign up if I want to travel with Federation?

What we used to call “missions” are now called Jewish Journeys, and they remain a critical part of our work in Israel and around the world. You can learn more about the 2024 Mens Journey to Israel here.

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